from Sergey Teterin bable fish translation of St Ptrbrg rental page "" The rental housing unit of Belyayevs Monument of the architecture 1883-1884 yr. - ARKh. [V]. [F]. von Hecker. Even in the middle of the 19th Century on the spot of house was located empty section. Then merchants Belyayevs acquired place. ARKh. [V]. [F]. von Hecker constructed for them large rental housing unit. In 1884. in the house settled one of the family members of owners [M]. [P]. Belyayev. He was the large amateur of music and he began to arrange in himself until Friday musical quartet evenings. The permanent guests of Belyayev they became Borodin, [Glazunov], [Lyadov], Rimsky-Korsakov. There are here Tschaikovsky, [Taneev], [Skryabin]. On [belyaevskikh] Fridays there was a tradition: composers had to bring new compositions for [kvatrteta]. If they forgot this, then they wrote composition during the evening. Belyayev created also musical publishing house, organized constant concerts, founded [Glinkinskie] rewards. In the house lived the dancer Of [mariinskogo] theater Pavel [Gerdt]. In the house also lived by hp Of [termen] - physicist, the inventor of noncontact signaling and the creator of the first in the world [elektronogo] musical tool - [termenvoksa], which converts the motion of hand into the sounds. ""