Hi all,
It's been a while since I posted here. I have a question about pitch. I don't know if it's due to the extremely limited amount of space I hae to work with or if the brand new Etherwave I got just this February needs an internal tuning, but I've notied that I often can't get down to the lower pitch registers. This is with the pitch knob turned to the lowest setting. And when I can manage to access them the pitch antenna basically goes whacko on me. This is why I suspect my model needs an internal tuning or I need a bigger place to work with. I'm actually considering taking my Etherwave to a local music store in town and trying it there, just to try it in a different setting to see if just the space I have to work with is causing the problem. It's really frustrating me since I like to think I'm making some progress, however small. Actually I think the first real melody I want to learn is Greensleeves, a piece ironically well-suited to playing on a therimin.
It's been a while since I posted here. I have a question about pitch. I don't know if it's due to the extremely limited amount of space I hae to work with or if the brand new Etherwave I got just this February needs an internal tuning, but I've notied that I often can't get down to the lower pitch registers. This is with the pitch knob turned to the lowest setting. And when I can manage to access them the pitch antenna basically goes whacko on me. This is why I suspect my model needs an internal tuning or I need a bigger place to work with. I'm actually considering taking my Etherwave to a local music store in town and trying it there, just to try it in a different setting to see if just the space I have to work with is causing the problem. It's really frustrating me since I like to think I'm making some progress, however small. Actually I think the first real melody I want to learn is Greensleeves, a piece ironically well-suited to playing on a therimin.