I just ordered a theremin. I'm hoping to be able to play it and sing at the same time, but will it be okay to have a microphone near the theremin?
Singing with a microphone.
Posted: 6/30/2010 5:38:37 AM
Welcome to Theremin World, POINGjam. I hope you enjoy your new theremin when it arrives.
You have a very ambitious goal, if you're planning to use your theremin for melodic rather than a more aleatoric style of playing - keeping good intonation requires a [i]lot[/i] of focus. I'm not saying that singing at the same time is impossible - here's a video of a great player - Carolina Eyck - doing just that, but you will notice that while singing she keeps the theremin part very simple and basically just in unison with her voice.
To answer your question, yes, you can use a mike near a theremin. The problem will not be with the mike but with the stand, which can distort the capacitive fields surrounding the instrument and make it harder to keep in tune. The best approach, as Carolina uses, is not to have a stand at all but to use a headset instead. If this is not an option then I suggest using a boom stand positioned behind you with the boom reaching over your shoulder.
You have a very ambitious goal, if you're planning to use your theremin for melodic rather than a more aleatoric style of playing - keeping good intonation requires a [i]lot[/i] of focus. I'm not saying that singing at the same time is impossible - here's a video of a great player - Carolina Eyck - doing just that, but you will notice that while singing she keeps the theremin part very simple and basically just in unison with her voice.
To answer your question, yes, you can use a mike near a theremin. The problem will not be with the mike but with the stand, which can distort the capacitive fields surrounding the instrument and make it harder to keep in tune. The best approach, as Carolina uses, is not to have a stand at all but to use a headset instead. If this is not an option then I suggest using a boom stand positioned behind you with the boom reaching over your shoulder.
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