I've not had a chance to talk with Moog Music about it yet, but I've accidentally found a tiny hole in the left side of my Etherwave Pro, just between the forks of the volume antenna. On close inspection with a strong magnifier, I could see a tiny screw-like knob. Could this have anything to do with the volume antenna? Or an oscilator? I'm too chicken to try it.
Undocumented Control Found On Etherwave Pro.
Posted: 3/28/2007 12:50:42 AM
Yes Thomas...it is basically a course adjustment for the volume antenna circuit.
I have used it myself, but I don't recommend it unless it is absolutely necessary. (In my case, it was.)
One should always make any adustments using the front panel knob and screw adjustment before resorting to use the side adjustment screw.
I have used it myself, but I don't recommend it unless it is absolutely necessary. (In my case, it was.)
One should always make any adustments using the front panel knob and screw adjustment before resorting to use the side adjustment screw.
Posted: 3/28/2007 7:45:45 AM
yes there are two tiny recessed pot. screws on the EWPro. notes on them are in previous posts in this forum. the volume one is tremendously sensitive and it's right on the board and should be considered fragile, it is not meant as a user control.
all that said adjusting it made a big difference in shaping the volume field to fingertip exactitude.
If you're having response issues at the initial point where sound is generated, you may want to consider the volume circuit modification. Only after that was done were the pot. screw adjustments really effective on my EWPro.
There are so many advantages to the physical design of the actual user controls, having that big pitch knob within thumb's reach from muting the loop makes emergency adjustments during a piece easy. Hope these features are kept in the next version of the Pro.
all that said adjusting it made a big difference in shaping the volume field to fingertip exactitude.
If you're having response issues at the initial point where sound is generated, you may want to consider the volume circuit modification. Only after that was done were the pot. screw adjustments really effective on my EWPro.
There are so many advantages to the physical design of the actual user controls, having that big pitch knob within thumb's reach from muting the loop makes emergency adjustments during a piece easy. Hope these features are kept in the next version of the Pro.
Posted: 3/28/2007 9:04:40 AM
Hey, thanks for the info. Let Moog Music know you want that feature carried over while there's still time.
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