Yesterday, I tuned my home-made Etherwave to 3000Hz when I touch the antenna, and then I got zero beat about 2 feet away. This was all with the pitch tuning knob in middle position (it's just a 5 Kohm potentiometer). Today, the air is much, much drier (there was a considerable cold front last night), and I can't even get to zero beat from 10 feet away with the pitch tuning knob turned all the way. I suppose it makes sense, because now the air is less conductive, but should I be experiencing this much change to the internal tuning done (that's done by changing the variable inductors)? Is it common to have the weather dramatically change how my Theremin is tuned?
I didn't expect that I'd have to retune the instrument internally very often...
I didn't expect that I'd have to retune the instrument internally very often...