Never played with one of these, but I would not buy one! - Reason? .. Well, they talk utter rubbish about 'digital' 'analogue' 'chips'.. and the waveforms they show in their add are completely meaningless.
There is NO useful data - Linearity? Playing range (distance)? Number of octaves? USABLE number of octaves?
See thread "Theremin Pseudo Science"..
As I said, I have never played one of these - But, if they are any good, they sure know how to advertise in a way which puts off anyone with any technical knowledge.
The PCB looks minimalist - perhaps 4 or 6 transistors, 2 inductors, R's and C's.. Heterodyne mixing will probably be a simple diode mixer, there will be 2 nearly identical LC oscillators.. This is analogue, it does use inductors - BUT - so what.. ? .. I do not see even rudimentary equalisation, or anything which is likely to make this much more than a toy.. BUT I COULD BE WRONG!
It is worth noting that the Etherwave, EW Pro, Midi VOX, and almost every recent respected Theremin use 'Chips' - 'Chips' are NOT a bad thing.. Also, The EW Pro uses LOTS OF CHIPS! - And it even uses (UGH!!) DIGITAL Chips and CMOS Chips.. and even uses CMOS chips in the Audio path!
Also, worth noting - Some expensive and extremely respectable Theremins (one brand in particular) do not have inductors - the oscillators being designed with wein bridge circuits.
If you are used to playing the Etherwave, you are likely to find this maniac's Theremin unplayable.
Perhaps your best bet is to put a battery supply together for your EW..
You need 2 supplies of between 15V and 24V each (4 9V batteries wired in series, to give +/- 18V will do fine) *+18V*---[+9V-]--[+9V-]--*0V*--[+9V-]--[+9V-]--*-18V*
0V goes to the mid pin of the power connector, there are 2 unused pins on this connector to which +18V and -18V can be connected.. Wire the +18V to the Cathode of D2 (the side with a line on it) and -18V to the Anode of D3 (side which is not marked with a line)
Doing this, you could plug either the batteries or the power supply in, to power your EW.
Email me if you want full instructions.