Hi Ruslan,
- I have been too embarassed to contact you, as I had made so many promises I was not able to keep.. Sorry. I am recovering slowly from the heart failure (am on meds which dilate the blood vessels feeding the heart, and feel a lot better for this) , but the underlying causes are still under investigation - I have had serious endocrine problems for at least 6 years which I did not know about - blood test results over these years show increasingly abnormal liver function, but these tests were ignored by my GP, and everything was blamed on diabetic control.. so I carried on, often feeling like shit, with my health getting worse, until my heart was unable to get enough oxegen (due to decreasing blood oxegen levels) and failed.. I am still anaemic, but at least my heart is able to pump sufficient blood to feed my hungry brain - LOL ;-).. I am going for more scans etc tomorrow, and suspect (hope?) that I will be admitted and they will get to the bottom of the problem.
WRT the EW tone - I suspect that Thierry's module does not actually (intentionally) alter the harmonic spectrum - but only he could confirm / refute this - and I suspect that the actual harmonics (leaving the matter of the "something" aside for now) are determined by the normal post-mixer EW waveshaping circuit - I suspect that, to obtain more control of the tone as you request, modification to this circuit would be required, and that this could not be implemented by Thierry's module.
What follows is pure speculation, and I only detail it because I know you are technically minded..
I suspect:
1.) Changes (improvement) in the bass register are the result of one or both of the following : A) Changes to the coupling between the ref and variable oscillators - on an unmodified EW these are crudely coupled via C2 and C6 - I suspect this has been changed. B) The diode mixer has been replaced / modified.
2.) The improvement in the tone (getting rid of the "something") is a consequence (possibly accidental) of whatever was done in (1) above..
Here is my postulation: Buffers have been inserted on the Hi-Z signals at C2 and C6, and a seperate coupling capacitor possibly connected between Q1:C and Q3:C. These buffers then drive the mixer.. The result of this would be that the changing capacitance of the mixer diode would not affect the oscillators, and that this removes the source of intermodulation distortion that has bothered me.
It may be ( I think it likely ) that a diode mixer is still used - replacing the diode mixer with some other method would result in a differently shaped waveform into U3, and it would be much more difficult to recreate the original EW tone if this was done.. [i] If the diode mixer has been retained, and Thierry impied as much, then this mixer will contribute distortion - however, whatever distortion it contributes does not bother me.. which is not to say that it wont bother someone else..;-) [/i]
Now - IF my above guesses are close, THEN the easiest way to obtain an Enkelaar type tone would be to buy a SC (Jaycar) theremin kit, and only fit the mixer and audio components, and do the related Enkelaar modifications http://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-23047/l/enkelaar-theremin-schematic
You will need to fiddle with coupling components and power supplies etc, but you should be able to couple the buffered variable and reference oscillator signals from the EW into the Enkelaar mixer, and have a seperate "Enkelaar" audio output..
However, the above is NOT something I would want to do to a brand new EW+ which has Thierry's module fitted, and which has been painstakingly tuned by Thierry! - I think you may find it better / easier to put a parametric EQ on the audio output - or even a VCF driven from the CV output.. the Enkelaar waveform is (apart from its "wasp in a jar" setting) a lot more sinuosoidal than the EW, so rolling off the higher harmonics might be enough to apro