Optiganally Yours; excellent & obscure

Posted: 6/22/2005 5:16:14 AM

From: Memphis, TN

Joined: 6/22/2005

Optiganally Yours is a Sandiego band based on the use of the Optigan, an rare 1970's instrument which played musical loops via light sensors. The sensors read disks which were encoded with 30 something tracks in the same manner a projector reads a film soundtrack. Interchangeable disks made various styles possible. The collector responsible for http://www.optigan.com/sitemap.html set up the new band, which has mp3's available at http://www.optigan.com/sitemap.html and http://www.optigan.com/shoptigan.html . One of their other albums, while featuring no optigan, makes extensive use of another rare device, the Talentmaker. Definately all worth a listen.

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