I've noticed something rather odd going on at youtube lately.
Mere seconds after uploading a video, I noticed it could not be monetized due to "matched third party content".
One of my students recently uploaded a video, and it was nearly instantly flagged, and removed, even after a dispute was filed. The claim was bogus.
After doing some reading on the web, I've learned that youtube is now using a content id system which is apparently being gamed by dishonest content providers looking to cash in on a loop-hole which allows users to upload audio samples, and select options to have matching content flagged, removed, or monetized.
This has happened to other users who did nothing more than record their own conversations in the woods, and sure enough, they got flagged because the sound of the birds in the background matched a third party's content. Someone had uploaded a similar sound sample, and claimed copyright.
A lot of fingers are now pointing toward a few users in particular at youtube. One of the most notorious being, rumblefish.
I've already had three bogus claims applied to one video, and the third just showed up on the radar scope seconds after an older claim was released. It's like playing "Wak-A-Mole". Once one claim gets released, another one pops right up.
All we can do is dispute the bogus claim, but we're at the mercy of an automated content id system which is clearly being gamed to make money off of unsuspecting users.
Yeh, some bozo out there can make money off YOUR work by selecting the monetize option in the content id system.
Clearly, youtube has a major problem, as do we.