randy rote: the synth would have to be configured use slide or portamento or have slow attack and quick release. .. or something to mask the constant re-attack of notes.
I had a discussion about this problem with the late Robert Moog back in 1997, shortly before he released his MIDI Ethervox theremin. He said that in order to be able to control a MIDI module using current MIDI technology and pitch/volume information only, a module would have to be designed that would fade each individual note in and out, seamlessly, as you changed the pitch. Notes would not be required to bend any more than one semitone up or down before the next note kicked in.
The MIDI Ethervox has a "PITCH SMART MODE". As the left hand pulls away from the volume antenna, the amplitude of the theremin volume control signal increases, but when the volume hand reverses direction, a new MIDI note-on message is sent with a note-on velocity value equal to the last value used (which is displayed on the E'vox led screen). The note-on number is determined by the position of the right hand in relation to the pitch antenna at the instant the note-on message is generated by the left hand.
It is a complicated system, requiring the thereminist to add a new skill to the playing technique of an instrument that is already humongously difficult to control.