Hi Gordon.
I strongly suspect that problems with the EW are due to its (IMO) sad power supply design - The AC transformer does not (again, my opinion only) give a comfortable headroom, so if the mains supply drops significantly there is not sufficient DC voltage to drive the (on board) regulators correctly - 12V regulators need a minimum 14V DC into them..
I only suggest this because I recently bought an EW board, and wasted my money on a genuine EW PSU .. I get a little over 16V DC that is clean, before the regulators (with 240V AC in), so the AC only needs to drop to 210V and one gets into the zone where the ripple can get onto the theremin (past the regulators).
I dont suggest shoving a higher AC voltage in unless protection devices (thermal fuses and transorbs) are fitted and regulators changed to chunkier versions..
And I may be completely wrong regarding the problem.. I may just have got a crappy power supply..
But If its low AC voltage causing the problem, then you need a "conditioner" that raises the AC to 240V when its below that level, or a (say) 3V AC transformer in series with the EW AC output to boost the voltage a bit..
ps - I have ordered some bits to put a Switch-mode replacement PSU together for my EW - I dont like being tied to AC anyway, and figured a supply that accepts DC 6V to 24V and outputs steady +/- 16V DC is a better way to go.. If it works ill let you know (probably a few months from now ;-).. But the EW will need slight modification.