Hello everyone, this is my first post! Although I have heard the Theremin in old 1950's scary movies on television for many years, I never before associated it as a musical instrument. Cut to the third season of American Horror Story and the delightfully eccentric character of Myrtle Snow who loved the "celestial tones" of the Theremin, and I was intrigued as to Robert Moog's instrument.
I then began my education, and learned of the virtuoso Clara Rockmore and purchased her Lost Album, got some fun jazz infusion with Project: Pimento's two Theremin lounge jazz CD's, got the sound sampler Secret Agents From The Id by Thomas Grillo, and have currently ordered the apparently now harder to find Art Of The Theremin by Ms. Rockmore. I like the work of Armen Ra, but found I'm not a fan of the accompanying instrumentation. I also bought the DVD of Theremin An Electronic Odyssey. Interesting movie, but I learned from Wikipedia that the film seemed to gloss over some of the events of Leonard Theremin's life.
What other classic or current Theremin artists would a fan of this instrument recommend for CD purchase for those who enjoy listening to the Theremin? I intend to purchase one of my own in another year or so when I can afford it, but in the meantime I can enjoy the sounds through CD. Thanks!