Does anyone in the US currently mod Etherwaves doing Thierry Frenkel's mod? I'd like to get it done without the expense of shipping to France.
Hi Larold, I've been doing ESPE01 mod upgrades out here on the west coast. If you arrange the return shipping, I can do the install and calibration for $30. Email me at: Typically, it's a 1-2 day turnaround after I receive the instrument.
=] Randy
Not complaining about anyone or anything in particular (I think it's great the board is available and that people are willing and able to install it) but that's 59 euros = $66.72 for the module, $30 to install & tune, plus shipping both ways which could easily be $30 for a total of $130 or more.
It's a crying shame Moog isn't integrating a simple two transistor buffer on their current EW+ PWB. It couldn't cost them more than $1 in parts to do so and would vastly improve the playability and allure of the instrument.
Comparing the ESPE01 module to what you call "a simple two transistor buffer" shows that you either never played an Etherwave which was upgraded with an ESPE01 or that you don't have the musical skills to hear and sense the difference when playing.
The ESPE01 does not simple buffering/decoupling but reduces coupling in a controlled way and does pre-mixer wave shaping which makes the available timbres with the waveform and brightness knob sound more natural and less electronic.
The ESPE01 module is the result of a year long development and many travels to have professionals like Lydia Kavina, Carolina Eyck, Barbara Buchholz and Wilco Botermans testing various prototypes before I brought the approved final release to market. Thus, dear Dewster, you should show a little more respect...
Again: not complaining about anyone or anything in particular. Not attacking you Thierry, or your ESPE01, or the various claims you make for it. Just saying decoupling itself is exceedingly trivial, the smooth bass extension it provides is quite useful, and it would be really nice if Moog Inc. were to incorporate buffers of some sort on their EW PWB.
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