Sorry for the belated reply... we had a big ice-storm in New Brunswick... I was without power for 6 days (which means no running water either since I'm on a well).... and still have no phone or internet 10 days later... (tethering from my cell phone data right now). They figure phone lines will be back up next Saturday... eep!
k. so.
Thierry, when you said that your breadboarded concept wouldn't meet my requirements... why is that? Is that because of the ARM Cortex M0+ processor? Because it wouldn't be fully analogue? I would still be very much interested in that if you would be willing to share the schematic... It doesn't have to be fully analogue... I am in the end converting it to binary anyway.
Dewster, sorry if it wasn't clear... I'll try better... so, I made a prototype using a Moog Etherwave Plus... ran both the volume and the pitch CV into an arduino ADC where I wrote a program to convert the continuous CV into binary, using slip packets... then the binary information was sent into another program written in SuperCollider to trigger one of the 13 audio wav files (contact mic recordings I made of 13 radio towers)... the information was also routed into another program written in Processing to trigger 13 images... so when it was all set up, the theremin pitch and volume CV were each routed into a little black box containing the Arduino ADC... which was then connected to my laptop via USB... and the laptop was running the SuperCollider and Processing programs that used the binary data to trigger the 13 audio and image files... so when I played the theremin, instead of hearing the sound of the theremin, I was triggering (or playing) the recordings of the radio towers and the images of them... the programs contained fades as well so I could fade between audio recordings and images... there is apparently video documentation of this performance that I did in Toronto last fall... but I don't have it yet...
The next step, is to build 13 of these, so they can be played by dancers... but I can't afford 13 Moog Etherwaves... and I only need the CV output... not the audio, and no need for any of the waveform or brightness adjustments.
I also ran this set up with a PAiA Theremax 9505... I thought of trying to modify that circuit so it would only have the CV outs and not the other options... but it is a bit over my head to know which components to eliminate from the schematic.
I did build a version of this last fall, using capacitance sensors (that had to be touched) to build a large scale version of this for an arts festival... it worked great... and in theory, I could just use that one for my performance this spring... but I'd really like to make it work with theremins instead of capacitance sensors (I used copper dish scrubby pads for the capacitance sensors)... Vice Magazine did a little video spot on that installation... you can see it here... I want to rebuild this same installation with theremins instead of capacitance sensors:
Does that give a more clear idea of what I'm trying to do?
Christopher, I would definitely be interested in checking out those boards you mentioned! Do you want to send me a direct message and let me know the best way to go about this? Thanks!