Valery, I rediscovered your graphs of our comparisons. This is very good we recognize when a sound is in the Classic Theremin ballpark, you will make our sound or Theremin's sound even better. Sound Sample1 is raw, no reverb to mask nastiness, the latest Phoenix build, completed this week, which will eventually be yours. Still have a handful of issues to work out. Sample2 is a little better I think… was probably done with my vacuum tube oscillators. Both methods use a 1N914 diode for mixing and detecting the audio signal, this area is critical but not really where the main magic hides.
Analog sound is fun in that it is like a box of chocolates.... 
I am not a musician but think it is a narrow window found within noise that is musical to the human ear. Then again a bum can play trash can lids and sound rather good as a drummer. Nice sound with good skill really complement one another for the magic in music.
I made another observation that might work well for static discharge. I placed a 3.3 mh choke at the base of my 900 kHz pitch antenna connected directly to ground. The perfect pitch field linearity remained with my unorthodox pitch antenna setup. Little of the RF if any passes thru the choke only DC currents. My pitch antenna setup was slightly sensitive to 50/60 Hz on the lowest end, the sound wobbled a bit, this is why I tried the choke and it seems to have eliminated it. (I do not use series inline tuning of the pitch rod, rather something else and this choke idea needs more testing)
Working with RF is like flirting with a pretty lady, she will tease you and may never give you what you want, if she does she sings softly! 
Right now I have an imaginary sense of a duel at TW like Edison vs. Tesla, wonder who is who? Both have a good approach when used in the proper application but one will end up being more practical, but what does a Thereminist really want? A German Stiletto or a Swiss Army Knife?
PS: The University of San Diego was conducting a behavioral study from my webpage the past month, now completed... project name was Zoe Z.
Bremen, Germany you did a good thing, in the end it will not go unnoticed.
Valery Christopher