"Vincent, is there any reason why the Open Theremin software couldn't swap the antennas? It might be a good option if it is possible and not already in there." - Dewster
"Good afternoon, yes it would be great if it were possible to edit the code." - Zoltor
Unfortunately it is not there and doesn't look trivial: two different counting processes are used, involving what is available in the arduino in term of interruption handling... currently the result is that volume loop has a definition of 4096 where pitch rod has a definition of 65536 when we reach the "upper" part of the code. Then you wouldn't want to trade picth accuracy for a mechanical swap.
Deep dive in interruption handling would probably be required if we needed to manage this swap properly in the software...
"Why is there so much - 5 volts. Or is it related to the ability to output CV across multiple octaves?" - Zoltor about amplitude
Yes if the output is used for CV, 5 volts is the max. But CV is not main use case here...
For the audio, good professionnal sound amplifier will handle that but if you have no other choice you may use a volume pedal effectively...
"About my box. I was thinking how to fix it and found a 1/4" photo tripod mount, but for this placement I had to flip the board over. I assumed that this could be the cause of some kind of interference. You have confirmed this. I'll try to get rid of this, although I'll have to make a new case." - Zoltor
Ok I understand why it is "upside-down" now. I also use a quicklock photo tripod for my theremin (see this link) but I mount it differently. If you want, you can find here how to make a quick lock adapter (and then you wouldn't need a 1/4" nut...). Look at the part entittled "Stands on a quicklock photo tripod"