I'm creeping very nervously into this forum, as there are some amazingly knowledgeable people on here, and I know nahthing!
Let me introduce myself... My name is Esther, but feel free to call me Cow (an affectionate nickname from my brother).
Although born and brought up in England, I moved to France nearly 20 years ago. I love music, and I'm lucky enough to have a very tolerant husband who appreciates that I need to play, to learn, and to feed my instrument collection.
I almost own a theremin - I'm waiting impatiently for my OpenTheremin V4.5 to arrive, hopefully in a couple of days. Whilst waiting, I've been making a wally of myself practising hand shapes and volume control on my imaginary instrument.
I'm probably going to be handicapped in my theremin journey by my lack of knowledge of electronics, however, I'm keen to learn from you all.