Big Briar Series 91 Power/Amplifier PCB Repair

Posted: 1/13/2025 4:38:26 PM

Joined: 11/13/2024

Hi Everyone,

New to this Forum. I'm posting in hope of getting some advice regarding repair of a Series 91 Big Briar Theremin that belongs to a friend here in NC. 
I have some experience in basic electronic troubleshooting (TVs, Guitar Amps), and decent soldering skills, but I know next to nothing about Theremins.
I do have a copy of the Service Notes - Including wiring diagrams - Dated January 1996.

I've identified the obviously fried component on the Power PCB as a 10uf "Kemet" polarized Tantalum Capacitor rated at 35v. Is this correct?
It's shorted, putting a short across the output of the audio amp. The short disappears when one leg of the capacitor is lifted. Is it possible that this is the only problem? Should the LM1875T Audio Amp IC also be replaced? 14v AC is present. The 115v .5 amp fuse is blown. Speaker seems to be OK.

Any advice would be appreciated, including suggestions for sourcing necessary components, or finding a replacement Power PCB. 


Posted: 1/13/2025 9:21:02 PM

From: Theremin Motherland

Joined: 11/13/2005

"It's shorted, putting a short across the output of the audio amp."

Not on the output, it shorted the negative power line.

1. Replace the cap.
2. Connect just the power (14V AC) plug.
3. Check the +20 V and - 20 V (approx) across 2200 uf capacitors (relative to a common point).
4. Check the +12 and -12 V across pin 5 and 3 of LM1875.
5. Check zero voltage across pin 4 (very important!). If no zero -- replace the LM!
6. Connect other plugs ang check the general functionality.

Posted: 1/13/2025 10:11:43 PM

Joined: 11/13/2024

Thank You!   I'll give this a try...

Posted: 3/17/2025 11:03:43 PM

Joined: 11/13/2024

Fixed! LM1875T IC was bad. Thank You Ilya!!!! And thank you Theremin World.


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