Where can I find the Claravox editor - Windows version?

Posted: 1/17/2025 4:45:10 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

The Moog support link for this ends up on a "not found" page.  I have searched around a bit and while I can find the Mac/iOS version, the Windows version is not to be found.  I have the app installed on a computer that I no longer use and I apparently did not keep the installer or zip file or whatever form the app came in.

The Moog site is broken in so many ways - I can't even log in or do a password reset.

Can anyone point me to where I can download this Windows editor or share their installer if they still have it?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 1/17/2025 6:22:18 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

Nothing via the wayback machine, even asked ChatGPT, but no dice.  I see you asked this on the Cvox FB page too, that's probably your best bet.  

Good luck, and Happy New Year Roger!

Posted: 1/18/2025 4:09:32 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

Happy New Year to you too Eric!  At least in concept...  I intended to send you a greeting before the holidays and they slipped by.  I still haven't accepted that the holidays have come and gone.

I'm beginning to wonder if the editor app was ever even an install file that was downloaded, because I have downloads that I still haven't dumped that go way back.  When the Moog link took me to the Microsoft store I began to wonder just how it was delivered.  What a cluster* that whole Cvox debacle was and still is

Posted: 1/18/2025 7:21:17 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"What a cluster* that whole Cvox debacle was and still is ."  - pitts8rh

IIRC there was some Moog marketing hype along the lines of the Cvox being so perfectly engineered that you could hand it down to your grand kids - and here we are just a year or two later and the Win editor is MIA.  Almost every Thereminist I've chatted with has experienced issues with theirs.

Posted: 1/18/2025 7:36:33 PM

From: Portland, Oregon

Joined: 2/22/2018

The whole conception that an instrument requires an external software application to fully function is just a bad mis-design. Who’s going to maintain it?

Some sort of community-maintained open source app will have to emerge I’d say - Moog can’t be relied on obviously.

Posted: 1/18/2025 8:30:40 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"The whole conception that an instrument requires an external software application to fully function is just a bad mis-design. Who’s going to maintain it?"  - bendra

Not only the software, but computing interfaces and their drivers appear and disappear over rather frighteningly short intervals.

"Some sort of community-maintained open source app will have to emerge I’d say - Moog can’t be relied on obviously."

There's this over on GitHub: https://github.com/wfr/open-claravox-editor/tree/main - but it looks very much not ready for prime time.

Posted: 1/18/2025 8:33:30 PM

From: Minnesota USA

Joined: 11/27/2015

This is probably no surprise to those owners that have been paying attention, but I ran across this open-claravox-editor at https://github.com/wfr/open-claravox-editor/tree/main. It looks like it was last worked on 3 years ago.  And it is in a 'do not use" state.

I don't even really want to use the Claravox but I would like to keep it together as a complete and usable piece for someone, at least until such time that something proprietary fails and no one is there to repair it.   I guess we can always gut the case and put something better in it with a new front panel.  I wonder what that might be???

Posted: 1/18/2025 9:08:08 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

"I guess we can always gut the case and put something better in it with a new front panel.  I wonder what that might be???"  - pitts8rh

D-vox here we come!   

I'd certainly assist anyone endeavoring to do this, it's been something of a fantasy of mine.

Posted: 1/18/2025 9:25:26 PM

From: Portland, Oregon

Joined: 2/22/2018

pitts8rhD-vox here we come!   I'd certainly assist anyone endeavoring to do this, it's been something of a fantasy of mine.

The interior is plenty big to house the D-Lev kit, but the real work would be

-connecting the knobs (claravox has 13 of them, D-Lev only needs 8)

-connecting the input/outputs

-where to put the display and tuner? Maybe they could go where some of the knobs are currently since there are extras

An expensive project, may be a lot cheaper someday if (when?) some of the claravox theremins go tits-up and Moog can't/won't fix them.

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