Can I mix and match? I have a Theremini and 2 Etherwaves. When playing with friends, we'd love to play them simultaneously in the same room. I've heard Mini and EW can harm each other if they are too close or in the same room. Yet if I must turn off the EW while the Mini plays, then it will take a while to warm up again. So I seek specific advice regarding distances, use in same room, how large a room, simultaneous use, how far apart should the EW's be from each other, and how far apart EW should be from a Mini. TIA!
Play Theremini & Etherwave at the same time?
When having 2 or 3 theremins in the same room, it is technically best to have them as far apart from each other as practically possible. I don't believe having an Etherwave close to a Theremini will permanently damage the Theremini, but it can make it unplayable while in that position, and sometimes playing the Etherwave will cause the Theremini to make sounds as well (but usually not in tune with the Etherwave).
Two Etherwave theremins will not overpower each other in this way, but it can make them behave unpredictably, and interfere with each other, producing ghost tones and intermodulation when close together. As a guideline, when each theremin is about 2.5 - 3 meters from the other theremins, things will probably work okay, best to actually try, experiment and find out what works. When possible make the distance between the EWs and the Theremini larger than between the 2 EWs. It is also interesting and fun to deliberately place the theremins in such a way that they do interfere with each other and do an avantgarde space sounds jamsession. Effect pedals are optional
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