randy george

I've been a theremin musician since 2006 when I first discovered the instrument. I love the theremin so much. It changed my entire life and continues to influence my life to this day, most often in unexpected ways. I've shared a small number of theremin creations on the internet, that I have made over the past years. My goal is to take what exists in the world and use it to inspire other people to do the same. Creativity reciprocates creativity infinitely. I think one of the most valuable qualities of a developing theremin player is the ability to discard techniques that were previously "learned" in order to do things in a new way if the player discovers that the old ways don't work as effectively as possible. It takes a lot of courage to create a new foundation because it means losing a sense of stability that may have been established over years of practice. Awareness is the key.
- Website: http://randygeorgemusic.com
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Theremins: Moog Etherwave Pro, Etherwave Plus, Burns B3 Deluxe
- Twitter: @randyisthemagic