I'd have responded to this sooner, but my web page editor used a font that was not supported by older operating systems, and I had to go back in, and re-work every font on my web site. Try it now.
You're probably right about not bothering to mention what little I have. I noticed y'all wondering "If" there would be a replacement. I just wanted to set your mind at ease be letting you know that there definately "will" be a replacement. Evin I don't know what they'll end up with as it's all speculation at Moog Music at this point.
Sorry if I've got y'all feeling out of the loop, and tortured over the unknown. I'm evin more tortured than you.
You're probably right about not bothering to mention what little I have. I noticed y'all wondering "If" there would be a replacement. I just wanted to set your mind at ease be letting you know that there definately "will" be a replacement. Evin I don't know what they'll end up with as it's all speculation at Moog Music at this point.
Sorry if I've got y'all feeling out of the loop, and tortured over the unknown. I'm evin more tortured than you.