The Cattle Drive

Posted: 12/3/2005 10:44:11 PM

From: Kansas City, Mo.

Joined: 8/23/2005

Sound like you are having a great time with your voice and theremin lessons. Fun to play with confidence!

The ear becomes less sensitive to pitch as the sound becomes louder, so don't forget to practice softly, at least part of the time.

Have you tried playing any shape-note hymns on the Theremin? Most of us have played "Amazing Grace". "Wonderous Love" really is great on the Theremin. You may enjoy that one, too!
Posted: 12/8/2005 12:18:59 PM

From: COWafornia

Joined: 3/23/2005

I am thinking of Africa (178 in the 1991 edition). It would be good practice with for the left hand. When I was activly singing we did the verses for that one in reverse. Wondrous Love (159) would be good pactice for articulation with the left hand or you could play it very legoto with lots of vibroto. Just remember to emphasize those beats! Now to get the theremin to sound like the Chicogo Altos of 1990 and 1991 WOW!

The problem I have with Wondrous Love is that I want to put my hand DOWN to emphasize the beats not put it UP! Some others that might work well are RUSSIA (107), Sweet Canaan (87), and Holly Hanna (59). You could put a lot of vib on the end of the 4th mesure of the "B" part.

Most ppl don't do the New Britain (45) version of A. G.. The shaped version is in 3/4 with much different feel to it.

I needed to turn up the volume because it was to soft to hear the pitchs properly. But not to loud.

Kinda frusrated this AM. Didn't play for a few days cause work was just brutal - and it shows (the not playing).


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