I am not intending to spend any more time with this thread or the above schematics etc.. It seems likely now, from the measurements made by Rich that at least my hypothesis that 5 octaves output onto 0-5V from the theremini may give a tracking 1V/octave - these tests do not confirm other aspects of the hypothesis, but I suspect I have guessed right..
But to me it makes no difference if I have been right, or close. or missed by miles - IMO the results showed such abysmal linearity as to make the theremini unusable IMO, even before one factors latency.
I am torn between deleting the above schematics or leaving the there - I DONT want anyone to try building these, I have NO interest in helping anyone on ANY theremini related matter, or on the above schematics.
If I could edit the thread title, I would remove the word theremini and leave this thread for possible future CV discussion, but because its theremini related, for me, this thread serves no useful purpose.