I am so excited I almost pee'd my shorts. I mentioned trying one channel direct and the other with a mic.
"There are those that go through life always hearing the noise and those that only hear nature."
Noisy Mic Sound.wav 6 megs first recording will try to improve my mic side signal to noise ratio, but hey it took me 15 years to get here.
Other than using a mic on one channel there is no extra processing. EWS direct to sound card.
Not being a musician, I think my dynamic mic should be one of those phantom power type? I have the three prong pre-amp with 48v button.
An entrepreneur could take this $35 technique, apply it to a new EtherWave Standard and sell it for 2000 euro. In my thinking this classic sound is what some E-pro owners were hoping to find and surrendered to what they bought.
dewtser - will peek at what I am doing first because his one piece of knowledge shared openly in this forum opened the door wider to what I was looking for. Now if I could find that local budding classical Thereminist to learn with the sound aspect from my research. Exploring life beyond the castle.
An expression from the vision on my webpage:
"It is interesting to me that a beautiful pitch is easier to play. It is as if the theremin finds joy in expressing herself."