Since you're there, any chance of a phoenix getting sold?
Your hope is to find a electronic builder friend who could put the Phoenix together for you.
Right now my website has become too complicated after so many years. Somewhere in January I will post the final circuit board PDF with several nice features and it all fits in an EWS box.
You having interest is a nice complement. I have given away EWS at no cost over the years if someone is local and reveals talent. But it just does not happen anymore. Theremin interest has been in decline the last ten years here in the states. For me the world has become the new age of gimmicks as I have never even owned any type of cell-phone. But I do watch TV on my laptop.
I like that expression I wrote in my other post being somewhat of a theremin designer: "Would a good Thereminist want a German Stiletto or a Swiss army knife?" The theremin should remain a simple device yet in skilled hands be beautiful.
I had an agreement with an old man from the beginning that if I would not sell anything I would be given secrets and I found someone who will soon be able to verify this. Oh I just love mystery!
Edit: Because I use PWM, whatever that is, the Phoenix can control the intensity of a floodlight shining on the performer using the volume control, no sound is dim or dark for drama, loud is bright light. The Phoenix is about being born again or rising from the ashes.
I was able to view the Lidia video and it is interesting. In another era 80's I use to fire off 16 slide projectors synchronized to music for a fun visual effect, that got me a few girlfriends but now time has passed, I look forward to the future.