Hi all.
Thinking of getting an A-178-2 (doepfer) module soon. First of all does anyone here have one?
Secondly. There only seems to be a bias offset which I think changes where e.g. middle C starts in space. But I want to be able to scale too so I can make an open to closed hand an octave.
This will be simple enough, I just need to put the voltage through an attenuator but I guess I'm wondering if it is likely the default range will require me to attenuate downwards "compressing" the range. Or is it possible that an octave would be too small in space by default and I have to boost the signal?
It doesn't really matter I'm just curious really.
If I end up loving it I'll be buying an etherwave plus in the future. But I wanna try on a cheaper system first and as I already do module stuff I cud always use it just for effects if I don't get round to learning it properly.