Video: _Mastering the Theremin_ by Lydia Kavina

Posted: 8/20/2019 7:59:10 PM

From: Halifax, Canada (east coast)

Joined: 7/28/2019

Apparently when it was new, my Moog Etherwave *came* with this video so I am loathe to pay $30 for a copy.

Does anyone know where I can download or view this video on line?

Posted: 8/20/2019 9:07:15 PM

From: earth

Joined: 5/8/2017

Five fingers to  articulate to play music
One wrist to  articulate to play music
One elbow to  articulate to play music
One shoulder to articulate to play music
Plus you have to stand still, using all those muscles and joints to maintain steadiness.

Now think about your finger positions!!!

The antenna only cares about your mass and its proximity to the antenna, not how you hold your fingers.

I use angling -one elbow to articulate to play music - I may have to move some fingers (nothing special) for the top two octaves which thereminsts avoid anyway.

There are 96 degrees to play with and 8 octaves you can squeeze from it - a sweep from the sternum to the antenna
 Nothing to think about - just play.

No one wants the easy path for theremins . . . 

Pretend it's a violin. With a fingerboard.

I see what the editor did to the text, amazing! So I erased the inserted codes.

But, no one wants the easy way:

Posted: 8/20/2019 10:53:19 PM

From: Halifax, Canada (east coast)

Joined: 7/28/2019

rupertchapelle: thank you, but I'm looking for the actual _Mastering the Theremin_ by Lydia Kavina

Posted: 8/21/2019 1:58:17 AM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

No, Rupert for some reason pointed you to a Carolina Eyck video.

The video you're looking for is interesting (it came on DVD with my EtherWave standard kit so I watched it all of once) but probably more interesting from a historical perspective than instructional.  I myself can't claim to have a real "technique" yet, but there are plenty of players out there on YouTube that you can watch for free, and you might pick up some pointers from them (if that's what you're looking for).

Posted: 8/21/2019 12:04:06 PM

From: Halifax, Canada (east coast)

Joined: 7/28/2019

dewster: yup, I've watched all of them, I want to see hers at some point (but not enough to pay $30 for it :-)

Posted: 8/21/2019 1:27:09 PM

From: Northern NJ, USA

Joined: 2/17/2012

There's tons of movies / books / sheet music / recorded music that fall in the no-man's-land of not profitable enough to manufacture / sell / distribute, but the insanely long copyrights haven't ran out yet.  I fear much of it will disappear in the interim.

Copyright should be more like our otherwise crummy patent system:  most of any profit is made early, so the protections should run out rather quickly, and if you want to extend them somewhat you should have to pay extra.

For the case of this particular video, there really ought to be a convenient way for you to watch it with some ads, or paying $1, or whatever.

I'd sell you my copy for cheap, but it went out the door with the resale of my EW.

Posted: 8/23/2019 2:33:59 PM

From: earth

Joined: 5/8/2017¤cy=USD&utm_campaign=gs-2018-08-02&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_LLrp5qZ5AIVGY_ICh0h-wZTEAkYASABEgL_ZvD_BwE

47 bucks, a bargain at twice the price. You will get far more hours of use of this video than anything made by Hollywood. 

Support your professor, buy the dvd.

Posted: 8/23/2019 2:37:48 PM

From: earth

Joined: 5/8/2017


All you have to do is watch the finger positions. Most guitar players learn the same way, watching some one else play and copying /imitating.

Aerial fingering is aerial fingering regardless of who is doing it and it is a tradition, based in tradition, which keeps the theremin in the backwaters of music because it is so difficult.

Rockmore, Kavina, Eyck, Pringle - you can copy any of them. They are having fun and they are precise, aren't they? (I'd place my bets on Charlie Draper)

Copyright - getting stuff for free is great for everyone but the content creator. Too bad the content creator has to have money to make money. Wrong instrument for that.

Now where is the AGT hero of the theremin???

Posted: 8/26/2019 10:26:17 AM

From: Scotland

Joined: 9/27/2012

Lydia's technique has changed in the years since that video/DVD was made, so getting her technique from it would be a little pointless - you'd be getting her technique from that moment in time.
I suspect she'd be playing like she does in this video
Now she plays using more like this technique

Posted: 8/27/2019 9:41:41 PM

From: earth

Joined: 5/8/2017

If you really want to do it with aerial fingering why not learn from the best:

Just keep in mind that it takes time.

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