Hi there!
I would like to sell my non-functioning Subscope Voice T3 Deluxe from 2008 in a beautiful wooden enclosure.
I’m not sure what happened to it that it stopped working. Currently it makes no sound and the LED won’t light up.
I tried to look inside and did some primitive tests but my electronics knowledge is rather limited so I abandoned the attempts. I, however, replaced the LED as the old one seemed to be dead. I also tried to leave out the diode near the DC connector as I thought it might have been used for polarity protection and burned out. With that modification, the LED started to blink and I could hear some clicks which means the circuit is not completely dead. I left it at this.
You can find some photos here in Dropbox.
I hope that someone could fix the theremin and give it the second life. It’s a pity it’s not being used and accumulates dust.
Feel free to message me with your offers if you are interested. I’m located in Germany.