Topics Started By Dave H

Topic Forum Last Post

Your first theremin song? Your first performance?

in Repertoire
Repertoire 3930 days ago by amethyste

Range of Clara Rockmore’s theremin?

in Theremin General
Theremin General 4401 days ago by coalport

Ethervox manual?

in Theremin General
Theremin General 4406 days ago by Dave H

Virtual sheet music?

in Repertoire
Repertoire 5050 days ago by Paramemetic

# of notes played without moving arm.

in Theremin Technique
Theremin Technique 5234 days ago by Dave H

Another arial fingering question? Go ahead shoot me.

in Theremin Technique
Theremin Technique 5262 days ago by Dave H

Etherwave Plus, Etherwave Pro, Wavefront Classic to start studies.

in Theremin Newcomers
Theremin Newcomers 5454 days ago by omhoge