Theremin on Facebook?

Posted: 5/31/2009 12:25:45 AM
Brian R

From: Somerville, MA

Joined: 10/7/2005

I'm on Facebook (Brian Robison).

Also, per Gordon and Margaret's exchange above: I think I've posted this before, but what the heck:

The Freudian Theremin (
Posted: 11/29/2009 5:57:45 PM

From: Barrington, Rhode Island

Joined: 11/26/2009

I'm on Facebook (Ben Miller). I'm a noob, so some theremin friends would be nice. ;)
Posted: 12/5/2009 10:29:35 AM

From: Dublin, Ireland

Joined: 7/25/2007

I'm there too!

There are lots of us.

I am pretty sure that Ben is in my friends list...
Posted: 2/26/2010 1:27:57 PM

From: Poland

Joined: 11/11/2007

I'm on Facebook - Piotr Krupski.

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