I have measurements from Floyd Engels' replica speakers. I have yet to work on my replicas, and updating and organizing the drawings that Floyd sent. I would like to provide digital files and add some drawings that Floyd has only provided sketches of. Also, I might get the chance to see Clara's diamond speaker first hand, which would help immensely. I probably won't get this project done until the end of the year, so if you're patient, I can provide info then.
Mark McKeown has said he has identical RCA front panel knobs. I purchased a set from him a while ago and they were very clean and nice.
The switches are standard ball tipped switches from the day.
I also have measurements of the pilot lamp for inclusion in the RCA drawings. hopefully I can get that out there soon too.
I have given the speaker info to Tim Tate, an Australian theremin player, to help him with a speaker he was going to build. I don't know if he ever got it done or not. Here's what I've told him:
the mahogany base is 20" x 20" x 4 1/8" high with a 10 degree slant, 3/4" thick. A dark finish like the RCAs. thick rubber feet
the speaker is a 12" Jensen 25 watts (unknown what the originals were, Clara's was replaced before Floyd took measurements) You can order them from Antique Electronic Supply in Tempe AZ
It stands 93" tall, total height (Floyd also made it possible to stand 84" for smaller ceilings with different pipes and mount attachments)
the metal frame is 26" square, made of 1" angle steel, welded and milled smooth (Lev's originals were not welded together and became loose over time)
the wood board that is mounted inside is 3/4 ply, with the ~12" hole dead center.
The speaker cloth is a nice dark brown, unsure of any pattern/weave (spray mount the cloth down so it doesn't slap on the low notes)
There is a metal grill over the cloth (Floyd used caning to replicate it).
The pipe is 1" OD, lengths of 35" and 35.5" per side with a coupling 2" long, straight thread.
the pipes insert into standard 1" flanges on the wood base and wing-nut screwed down on top onto a L shaped steel mount.
The edges of the flanges are 5/16" from the center peak. Since the flanges are 4" in diameter, the center point would be 2 5/16" from the center peak of the wooden base.
All metal hardware painted black (likely gloss, not matte)
The theremin speaker is very top heavy. Floyd made some neat additions to run the speaker wire though the pipe to make it look a bit cleaner and safer. Just cut holes in the pipe and watch out for crimping the wire. Floyd's originals had an option for switching for an Etherewave/modern theremin and an RCA., using switches to bypass the transformer. These were mounted on the back of the board.