Hmmm.. Alas, Windows was not designed by anyone who was bothered about fast, compact software.. Ok - I can do more using Windows on my 2.2Ghz PC than I could on my 8086 PC running DOS.. But NOT that much more, and NOT that much faster... Most of the huge improvement in PC power has been gobbled up by Microsoft BLOATWARE!
Back in the 70's I was working with 4 bit processors and implementing communications with scientific monitoring equipment in the Artic.. And one can do a hell of a lot with an 8 bit 4 MIPS MCU - Implementing a full polyphonic velocity sensitive keyboard scanner outputting MIDI, for example, is possible.. (I have done it).. but it is probably only 'old timers' like me from the punched card programming days, who would even think about doing it!
.. And slowly, I am realising that there is no point in doing it.. Squeezing every last byte of RAM and every last instruction cycle is pointless when the price difference between (comparatively) slow 8 bit and fast 16/24/32 bit MCUs has now become almost insignificant... It does FEEL 'wrong' to have an MCU where I am only using 10% of what is available.. but I will get used to it!
The new PIC32 is superb - and Microchip has packaged a complete started kit, with C compiler and full in-circuit emulator (ICE) at an absurdly low price.. This kit can be expanded with plug-in prototyping boards - I am a Cypress PSoC consultant, and should not be promoting Microchip (I will probably have Cypress withdrawing me from their consultant list) But this kit knocks the c*** out of any starter kit I have used before, and beats most Pro development kits I have used.