Thank you, Andreas.. This has certainly given me something to think about (and experiment with).. At this time I can see no possible connection between mass and any relevant parameter - but the proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating thereof..
[i]"It's nice to see that you know much about the electronics :-).[/i]
I have been in electronics for 28 years, 20 of which as a designer, and spent the last year working almost exclusively on Theremin designs.. I have prototyped Theremins quite similar to your voltage controlled design (but focussed on providing 1V/Octave output over a larger sensing range, and getting perfect linearity).. Your posting and the sounds came like a smack in the gob.. Particularly as the circuitry you present is so simple compared to my prototype assemblies..
But I am targeting a somewhat different market / specification.. I want minimum 5 linear octaves and sensing field of at least 60cm ..
But perhaps I should have gone into production with my original 30cm Theremin products first.. (and perhaps adding a roll of solder would have helped things, LOL!)
The sound of your Theremin is superb.. The sine wave is certainly not a sinewave though! it has lots of other harmonics, and these are musically wonderfully balanced.. I am inclined to think that there are some things going on here which you are not telling us! - it sounds almost like a Tvox! ;)