In Topic: jaycar/silicon chip troubles! ( (spex299) asks: "any suggestions on how to tune the damn thing!"..
Looking over the circuit, I note that the “pitch range” potentiometer (VR2 on the EPE design) has been removed..
This may be the biggest and most absurd change to this new design.. There is NO WAY (that I can see) to tune this instrument other than adjusting the core of T1.
So – This design has removed the linearising coil, and removed the tuning control..
I think that even the Gakken has a tuning control, and will have equivalent linearity.
[b]In my opinion, this Theremin is not worth buying.. the whole redesign is focussed on absurd cost cutting and lack of attention to detail - it looks like a design thrown together by someone who has absolutely no idea about the practicalities of Theremin playing .. Theremins need to be re-tuned whenever they are moved to a location where background capacitance changes (ie everywhere!).. Ommitting a tuning control is the sort of error even a novice would not make![/b]
Checking out the EPE schematic against this latest incarnation, I believe I may be wrong in my last comments regarding the voice control... This control is present as the 'skew' control, in the EPE version. I expect that the removal of the Equalizing coil is what gives this control greater depth..
I may be completely wrong about what follows, but I suspect: 1.) Redesign was primarily done due to VCA/Opto supply problems. 2.) Cost cutting was the primary objective for the 'improvements' (LOL) 3.) In order to increase the range of the voice/skew control, perhaps the EQ coil was a problem - removing this also cut cost. 4.) The Tuning control (1k potentiometer in series with 220R on D of Q1, in EPE)has been replaced with fixed 1k on D of Q1 in this incarnation - WHY? Cost? - or because it affects the 'new' wider 'voice' control?
Costs "saved" by making this design virtually useless: 1.) Tuning pot (<£1) 2.) EQ Coil (<£5)
The EPE version was more expensive in terms of components - but a re-design using an LM13700 for VCA, and changing the biasing scheme on the tone controls, could still have produced equivalently good Theremin (to the EPE) for less than price as the EPE (say about £10 more that this useless version).
Anyone wanting to modify this new SC Theremin could start by replacing the 1k with a 1k pot and 220 R, to bring back the tuning function... This pot should have minimum wiring length..
When (if) the above works and the 'voice' control still gives a good range (The Voice control is shown as a preset on the schematic here - I would want this to be an accessable potentiometer) I would add a 10mH Equalising coil (220pF to antenna connection point, other side to coil) and see if the voicing control still works.