I've successfully build my first Theremin from the DIY Article, read the hodrodding manual and instructions from this forum. Now its working quite fine!!! Thank you guys!
After all, I've started trying to understand the stuff I've build which leads me to a handful of question, first is coming in this thread.
On low frequencies the sound is not very soft. I've managed to get an oscilloscope and poked around a bit. After I've build a testciruit with two oscillators running on different frequencies, mixed them through C2 and C6 I've seen a very nice mixed signal - as it should be. Well rounded waveform. Then I've attached the detector and my waveform was gone (top of the halfwave not in the middel but a lot more on the right side). After trying a bit I've changed D4 (1N4148) to the voltage regulator diode (something 1N400x) - and the signal was fine again. I've not tried over all frequencies. Just my first result - I think now I've to recalculate the divider R23/R24 because of the different signal level.
I've read that I'm not the only one that is unhappy with low frequencies...
Any suggestions why this happens and why the other diode seems to make a better Job? I can attach pictures from the scope if you want (and I 've found out how) than you can see the very(!) different waveforms.
edit: here are the pictures (http://private.net-fb.de/theremin/index.html)
This leads me to the second question: The mixed signal is rectified with an AM-Detector as far as I understand. But the signal is a signal, that can be seen here Wikipedia: Beat frequency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_%28acoustics%29), which, if cut off in half, is not really a sin. And especially within the theremin circuit this leads to "peak, near nothing, peak,..." which sounds not very good. With the "right" detector, which also uses the lower part of the mixed wave, the frequency would be halfed. Which, if I tune the theremin to the needed range and have understood the posts right, can overload the transistors... Any suggestions? I'm thinking about to replace the whole (*lol* not very much parts) detector...
Or is this wanted for a "typical" Theremin sound?
edit: some typos