I recently finished building my Theremax and have had endless trouble with the pitch antenna. I initially fixed it by resoldering the shield cable and it worked flawlessly. However, yesterday, i switched out the pitch antenna for a coat hanger so I could try to bend it and attach different sized plates (school project). This failed horribly and i was unable to get a pitch heterodyne, so I switched it back for the original antenna. However, I am now unable to tune the darned thing! I can tune the volume oscillator easily enough, however the pitch oscillator is not producing the pitch heterodyne. I hear an increase and decrease in pitch multiple times as i turn the pitch slug and none seem to stand out, nor are any very loud. Whenever I tune to one of the heterodynes (There should only be one right?) i am unable to control the pitch with the pitch antenna, and instead the volume antenna controls volume AND pitch. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I recently finished building my Theremax and have had endless trouble with the pitch antenna. I initially fixed it by resoldering the shield cable and it worked flawlessly. However, yesterday, i switched out the pitch antenna for a coat hanger so I could try to bend it and attach different sized plates (school project). This failed horribly and i was unable to get a pitch heterodyne, so I switched it back for the original antenna. However, I am now unable to tune the darned thing! I can tune the volume oscillator easily enough, however the pitch oscillator is not producing the pitch heterodyne. I hear an increase and decrease in pitch multiple times as i turn the pitch slug and none seem to stand out, nor are any very loud. Whenever I tune to one of the heterodynes (There should only be one right?) i am unable to control the pitch with the pitch antenna, and instead the volume antenna controls volume AND pitch. Any help will be greatly appreciated!