The pitch portion of the circuit works (connecting pin 12 of the lm13700 IC to ground produces sound and the pitch changes when I move my hand near the antenna). Unfortunately, the volume side of the circuit doesn't work properly. (No sound at all)
What works:
The volume oscillator is producing a waveform (~450kHz out)
The volume tuning pot changes that frequency slightly.
Problems (the values given here are approximations from memory as I'm not in the lab right now):
- The AC voltage across the variable inductor is lower than expected (<4VAC, should be ~10VAC)
- The DC voltages at the 2n3904 emitters in volume oscillator are incorrect (0.1V, should be 0.6V)
- The signal from oscillator to detector shows ~450kHz @ ~35Vpp; between detector and VCA processor shows ~450-500kHz @ ~250mVpp
- The voltage across the resistor in the volume detector circuit ranges between ~-1 and -1.8V (depending on where my hand is relative to the antenna)
- Connecting a voltmeter between pin 12 of the lm13700 and ground and playing with the variable inductor does nothing significant to the voltage
I've gone over the connections multiple times, swapped parts (transistors, diodes, caps) to see if they were the problem and poked at random components in the board while engaged in intense wishful thinking to no avail.
If any one has any ideas as to what may be the problem, I'd appreciate the help.