First poke back in. I have not been here since the my last input.
-I'm delighted to learn from noname that Dalit cares for the instrument.
-When I knew it was going to Dalit (1997), I did what I was going to do anyway:
bundle up all the odd parts which were found in various drawers and boxes in Clara's apartment. This was done just after the theremin convention at Portland that summer.
I spent a full week with Clara afterwards.
I had bought at various times
a generous supply of new-old-stock tubes
and given them to Clara so there would be
a many-years' supply for the instrument's next placement.
I had long wanted to delve into the instrument but did not dare go far:
partly because there was no primary circuitry schematic to be found.
That, itself, was a worry. Why?
Clara, becoming more infirm each month, had phoned me in Miami a few months earlier.
paraphrased from memory:
"Reid! It's Cla-ra. I want you to come here. When can you come? You will copy my instrument's schematic and share this with your friends.
Can you come this week?"
(Clara commanded me in wanted-way but I could not get there for two months, not until after Portland.)
To my disappointment
after sifting through and copying a thousand pieces of historical paper,
[i]there was no primary schematic to be found[/i].
I did find and copy the insturment's -power supply/audio amplifier- schematic
from an original blueprint, Theremin's drafting.
But no vital cabinet-schematic was to be found.
Many things that Clara had told me -would- be found, were not in her archives.
No schematic; and that was the one thing to find. I copied so much else,for sound reasons, in mulitple runs to the copying shop across the street from #357 W. 57th. Clara supervised it all from her perch at the dining room table: waves over her teacup, "Go but don't be long. I'm so tired."
It was very small but exciting consolation to have boxes of fresh xeroxes of her career's memorabilia. Those boxes remain undisturbed here today.
Clara's mood-states were fragile, altering in a flash.
I would not tell Clara that the schematic was missing.
She'd definitely said it was in such-and-such a drawer.
No, it was not.
The likely case: either the main schematic had been lost for years (maybe "Mike", her old and late technician had borrowed it and lost it), OR Steven M. Martin, lothario, had taken the schematic for his purposes. He took a lot of her papers.
Some of these "borrowed" things, Clara would complain to myself about. "He says he's got them and I want them back but he always puts me off."
(she allowed him, being dependent on him as her protector from... rascals)
I hope Dalit has a copy of the primary schematic.
If she does, wow, what a gift that would be to share, for better understanding Thermin's volume control circuit!
----So! There is a lot of black water under the bridges. I am not into theremins these days.
It still hurts: I was robbed of Clara's *and Dalit's* trust, and reputation, by Steve Martin, that pathological liar and manipulator.
Dramatic, eh? Well, it's just the creepy fact about that creep.
The drama (Martin's) is gone.
The drama of meeting Clara remains.
I just made a poem yesterday.
It's about how I met Clara.
These days I don't work with theremins.
I only write (pooh!) poetry and prose.
There is never any reason to lie or exaggerate.
[i]This is how it was[/i]