Hi Gordon + Thierry..
1.) Much as it is a great idea, I cannot do any fixed-time conferencing.. My life is much too chaotic! It is quite likely (in fact it almost always happens) that the moment I start something which has been planned, one of the children will fall out of bed, or one of them will lock themselves in the loo, or I will have a hypoglycaemic episode and be unable to speak either because I an shoveling glucose into my mouth, or am incoherent because my brain is sugar starved (and when that happens, I can also be quite outrageous! ;-)
No - I have found that planning anything is almost a certain recipit for disaster!
Sorry about delays - but I cannot escape these.. I do the best I can to keep things rolling - but life has a different rythm to the tempo I would choose... The last 2 weeks, for example, I have been looking after my wife + children following her emergency apendectomy.. Somehow, the gods seem to have fun 'planning' this sort of event to make them always happen at the worst possible moment.
2).. Following from the above - Gordon, I have certainly got plans to attend the European Theremin event.. I would seriosly like to have a complete Theremin ready, and hope to perhaps get this done in time to book some slot at the event so that I could demo it.
3.) Thierry - Yes, I could use non-linear VCA's or other non-linear analogue external components to implement linear volume control - BUT - I am trying to produce a ASIC which can be used by other developers / manufacturers, and do not want to make external component selection too restrictive or expensive.
4.) Actually, I think much of what I said on this thread regarding volume non-linearity was wrong, or at least close to wrong.. I think that a correctly tuned Etherwave will give a position->volume response which is quite close to linear.. I made some big mistakes in my initial assessment of how the volume circuits would perform. I am quite sure that I am not the only person who has played a Theremin with Linear volume response.
"people criticise volume loops for being too sluggish or too snappy." - I now think there are 2 reasons for this - one is the speed of response on the volume circuit, the other is its degree of linearity - A non-linear response will tend (I think) to make timing delays 'feel' far worse, as the dynamics will appear to change more rapidly in one part of the curve than at other parts.. A slow response and non-linearity will, for example, make it extremely difficult to go from silent to soft volume smoothly.
Thierry - I am most interested in your mathematical suggestions.. but it will be a few days at least before I can send you anything to look at.. All the relevant numbers prior to mathematical manipulations are generated from quite a complex sequence which I have had to change (The capacitance sensed is auto-ranged, this result produces a multiplier which is applied to the instantanious value read, this result is multiplied by the sensitivity setting - only after all this is final scaling performed to get number to feed to linearising maths manipulations) - I want to be sure I have these stages working perfectly before I send you the data.
I am extremely grateful for your help and support - It is good to know that there are people I can turn to when I get a bit stuck!