Twenty of us are going to take over a church hall and record an album in two days flat!
I know it sounds unlikely, but this will be the sixth such album I have been involved in and it works. And it is a whole load of fun - plenty of learning and socialisation to be had for all.
Lots of news...
[b]Dates[/b] Hands Off 2009 will be held on the 28th and 29th of August. (Friday and Saturday.)
[b]Cost[/b] £20 - That is [i]twenty[/i] UK pounds. This does not include accommodation.
[b]Venue[/b] All Saint's Church Hall, Croxley Green. We will be there from 9am to 7pm on both days.
Here (http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&q=WD3+3HJ&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&split=0&ei=hHLxScmrF8S9-AbSwOS2Dw&layer=c&cbll=51.646292,-0.455804&panoid=iloz7FrRcwOnAAHRUilIBw&cbp=12,39.17133363701139,,0,1.9940103041732995&ll=51.649941,-0.459924&spn=0.007442,0.019183&z=16&iwloc=A) is the Google Maps street view of the venue.
[b]Hotel[/b] There is a Premier Inn within walking distance. link (http://www.premierinn.com/pti/hotelInformation.do?hotelId=24143)
[b]What to do now.[/b]
Email me. gordonc at theremin dot org dot uk.
Do not send me money yet. Do not book the hotel yet.
Tell me that you [i]are[/i] going to attend.
Tell me which nights you want a bed at the hotel. Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday. Tell me if you are coming alone or want accommodation for a partner/friend/family etc. Tell me if you are happy to share a room to bring the cost down.
Do be quick. There are only 20 places to fill, and starting on Monday I will be contacting my rather long list of people I know will be interested who don't necessarily follow the theremin world forums.
[b]What will happen next.[/b]
Once the 20 places are taken, we will try to negotiate a better deal with Premier Inn. Do not assume we will be successful - assume it will cost the amount quoted on the Premier Inn website. That way you will not be disappointed, and you may get a nice surprise.
When this is done I will contact you with details of how to pay by cheque or paypal.