[i]"A ramp signal may mute into a "pregnant" sine-like wave without changing the harmonic content..."[/i]
Yes - This is true and on real circuits (as opposed to simulations, where one can set the phases of the input waveforms to whatever one wants)it frequently occurs..
As you say, this is where visualisation can let one down.. I saw (on the 'scope) that the output waveform differed from the input waveform - but I (wrongly) assumed that this was due to input waveform phase differences. I have a PC 'scope capable of FFT, but it does not have good resolution - Running a harmonic analysis using my ancient HP333A distortion analyser gives much better results, but it takes a lot of effort to plot each harmonic independently - so I seldom do this.
What I really need to do is get my maths books and master this language - But right now, getting my Theremins to market is a higher priority.
Thank you for your insights, Thierry - They are a great help!
Best regards from the land of Darwin. ;)