Gordon's Progress

Posted: 7/30/2007 5:15:26 PM

From: Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, UK

Joined: 10/5/2005

omhoge, here's the first, in no particular order. A personal one, hence it goes in Gordon's Progress.

00:30, the morning of the end of the conference. Most collapsed long ago, a few die-hards remain in the auditorium, messing about with an etherwave and playing for each other. There is something I want to try, and even though it is only half twelve it feels like 3am - the right time for serious weirdness.

I arrange a second etherwave next to the first, volume loop to volume loop, so that I can control them with my hips, left and right to mute one and sound the other, forward and back to mute or sound both. My arms reach to the pitch rods. I add a fairly long echo to both. And then I danced, swaying rhythmically, in and out of sync with the delays. And WOW! They are, of course, interfering with each other like mad - nothing works as you would expect, nothing works the same from moment to moment, and the sound is extraordinary. Other people tried the same set-up, and it was very different again for each person. And totally fun.

I'm going to do this again. My Kees and etherwave don't interfere with each other, but I have a plan. So I wander through to the refectory, where several are chatting near the beer, including Jake Rothman, of theremin.co.uk (http://theremin.co.uk).

Jake is going to make me a two input, no internal oscillator ring modulator with a wet/dry mix knob. He recommended making it active (battery powered) for a cleaner sound, and for forty quid. It will come when it comes, he's a busy cottage industry - I'm on his list of things to do, but I don't pay until it's ready, so that's cool.

I'm going to try feeding both theremins into it, and see what that does. There are plenty of ways I can combine it with my existing pedals, and if it works this is something I can build a live act around, easy, fun, unique and, fingers crossed, very effective and entertaining if you like that sort of thing. Tracy does, and she was of the opinion that with the etherwaves it would have been a worthy part of the concert. :-)
Posted: 7/30/2007 5:15:37 PM

From: Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, UK

Joined: 10/5/2005

oops, double-post. omhoge, Jason, I experienced a catastrophic failure when making both postings, but they posted anyway. Hope that helps.
Posted: 7/30/2007 6:30:29 PM

From: Kingston, NY

Joined: 2/13/2005

Sorry Gordon.
The double post thing looks like a combo of certain client browsers and this old hosting platform, plus this is a uniquely long thread, so that and given our database limitations could introduce other factors.
The catastrophic error is new and we're looking at it.
Not sure we can solve all these bugs except in a new version, but always keeping a list.

Any way, thank you for what I hope is the first of the bits of news.
It should be very encouraging to all theremin players that the Theremin in it's entirety was given such a massive growth inducing shot this weekend. hope I can be there next time.
Posted: 7/30/2007 8:09:11 PM

From: Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, UK

Joined: 10/5/2005

Thread continued as Gordon's Progress Part 2 (http://www.thereminworld.com/forum.asp?F=808&T=2743&cmd=p).

Posted: 7/30/2007 8:12:07 PM

From: Kingston, NY

Joined: 2/13/2005


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