"... I wanted to post my wood P3 here so it can be found." - pitts8rh
Thank you Roger! Wow, you've really outdone yourself - yet again! 
"I hate Facebook with the endless cascade of posts hidden by the "would you like to know more" drop downs. I sometimes can't even find stuff I saw in the last day or two."
FB is so hostile to users, it's no good for anything other than passing remarks about whatever (and only barely good for that).
"This is the latest and maybe the last P3 model D-Lev that I built for myself using leftover parts. I wanted to try a wood panel look so I veneered one of the shells with flame maple and made wood knobs and a logo to go with it."
Your fourth image shows a remarkably smooth surface, which must be difficult to get with such a highly figured veneer.
"The antennas are solid brass but all of the other brass colored parts are 3D printed."
Beyond the antennas, I was wondering what was brass and what wasn't. The plastic (PETG?) parts are a bit lighter, but look amazingly like brass! I see you added a trim strip at the bottom edges to conceal the ends of the veneer, nice touch! Pretty Deco flair too (which you've been aching to do for a while now)! I wonder how you made the logo - by gluing individual letters and trim to the wood backing?
"I'm looking at a new cabinet design that is also all wood but with different antenna mounts, a built-in reverb, and pitch preview monitor speakers on the ends of the panel facing the player (and a digital amp to drive it). It will look a little larger but I hope to keep it the same size as the P3 model if you take into account the antenna mounts that stick out."
I'd be interested to know if the digital audio amp gives you any interference with the fields.
"Anyway, here are some pictures and a video:"
Amazing! And you got a well deserved "takes your breath away" from Lydia! Is it OK if I put a couple of your pix & video on the D-Lev web page?
(Cool seeing the video recording setup too!)