This is a truly generous thing you are doing Fred. I applaud you.
RS Theremin wrote "mind-numbing math".
I find it heavy going too, but I acknowledge its importance. If I were equipped with much more money and correspondingly less sense I would fund a research team to advance the science of the theremin.
The team would certainly include a creative genius from whom ideas pour like water, but it would also have to include a mathematics genius for three reasons; firstly to have the unenviable task of saying "that's an interesting idea but I've done the calculations and it's just not practical" and secondly because sometimes doing the maths can lead to a conclusion so counterintuitive that you would not think of it any other way, and thirdly to take the good ideas and refine them into something simpler and more efficient.
Parenthetically, my first experience of the counterintuivity of maths was a thing called (amongst various names) "Russian Peasant's Multiplication." As a child it completely blew my mind - "what is going on here? how can it possibly work? it makes no sense!" It was only several years later that the appropriate gap in my mathematical knowledge was filled and I thought "aha! now I get it. That's so clever..."