"I would always recommend some sort of insulation coating on the volume loop for several protective reasons. Three immediate thoughts are protecting the metal, shielding from static discharge and the fact that some volume circuit designs react poorly to the loading affect of direct contact, your sound could come back on." - RST
Yes, so would I - I also seem to remember (this may be complete baloney) that some early EW's squeeled loudly when their volume antennas were touched - now, as I say, this may be baloney.. But you dont get a much earlier "EW" than the "EM"!
My "recollection" is that, on these theremins, touching the antenna (making galvanic contact) pushed the volume oscillator into a frequency range which interfered with the pitch oscillator, and simultaneously overloaded the volume circuit, turning the theremin VCA on.. And the fix for the problem was insulation of the volume antenna..
But it is just possible I have this wrong - could be a different theremin I am thinking about..