Warning: This posting is certainly not related to theremins in any way that I can see.. It is probably more in the domain of philosophy, metaphysics and other fictions! Those with their feet firmly on the ground (or who think their feet are firmly on the ground, LOL) may find this stuff annoying or disturbing or just plain stupid.. ;-)
" The realisation that, even though inaccessible, other universes where one has a different hand dealt to one may (and probably do / will) exist , probably takes the edge off the desperation which might otherwise overwhelm one. " - Fred
"The problem with this is that there are, by the same principle, universes in which one has been dealt an even worse hand than the one that one holds in this universe. As for all those "other" Freds & Peters living in alternate universes (and there may be an infinite number of them living in an infinite number of universes), they are not you and I, so we can take no consolation from the notion that we are somehow doing better somewhere other than where we are.
Perhaps the ancient advaitists were right, and a Universe of infinite universes where all possibilities that CAN exist, DO exist, is simply an illusion. Perhaps this spectacular multitude is in fact only One.
This is perhaps an even more daunting prospect because from the point of view of the One, Pete & Fred don't exist." - Coalport
The above "exchange" raises some "issues" for me, which are far from simple.. particularly the: "they are not you and I, so we can take no consolation from the notion that we are somehow doing better somewhere other than where we are."
I agree that "we can take no consolation from the notion" is probably true - but I am not sure about the "they are not you and I" - Primarily because I have no idea about what "you and I" actually are!
Let me illustrate my "problem" with a little "SF" story:
Captain Mor&K of the starship Hunter was buzzing - After two decades of searching, the Genesig scanner had identified the profile of the most wanted villain in the universe, and they were now approaching the location (a small water world third from an unremarkable star, Sol). All the legal work was sorted, judgment had been passed, and because of the danger posed by the villain they had been hunting (A mutant known as Colapipe, from the Orion sector, who had decimated several galaxies simply using his psychokinetic powers) instant remote dematerialization was to be Colapipe's fate.
The Hunter was now above the source of the Genesig, and they prepared their equipment and waited for a moment when there was no other local Genesigs so that the dematerialization could be executed without collateral damage.
The Hunter was crewed by entities selected from several galaxies for, primarily, their reaction speed and rapid and efficient thought processing - these natural abilities were boosted with computational implants and telekinesis amplifiers, giving them the ability to undertake in milliseconds what would take a human of the planet they were approaching, several hours or even days - if they were even able to undertake the task at all.
The chance for a "clear shot" came, and Mor&K initiated the dematerialization of Colapipe.
The switch in the mouse button that FredM was operating was less than a micrometer from initiating a "send" of his longwinded posting to TW, when FredM vanished.
On board the Hunter, a few moments (probably a few hundred microseconds) of jubilation were replaced by horror when engineer Kr&K anounced that the particle beam analysis of the dematerialized "Colapipe" showed that the dematerialized entity had almost no resemblence to Colapipe at all - They had zapped the wrong being!
Rapid analysis showed that Colapipe had been "hosting" a replica Genesig in some as-yet unknown way, in the locus of the unfortunate, now dematerialized entity. Rapidly the science crew reconstituted all the data available - Everything (matter and energies, including most electrical, magnetic and electrostatic charge states - except for some quantum states which were impossible to access, every "component" of the dematerialized entity had been recorded at the moment of dematerialization) - It was a simple matter to reassemble the entity - (albeit using matter synthesised from their energy - matter converter, as the original matter had been converted to energy and used to charge the starships energy banks - this was normal procedure during dematerialization operations - energy being "teleported" back so as to avoid destruction of half the planet if the matter had been allowed to directly convert to energy at the site of the dematerialization)
Twenty milliseconds after he had vanished, FredM re-appeared with no knowledge of the drama he had been involved in. The only change which was "observable" was that this 20ms delayed the moment that FredM's posting to TW was transmitted - As future historians would later decode, this delay "caused" a chain of events leading to the 2e6 galactic wars, simply because this delay allowed a posting by Colapipe to appear before the posting by FredM.
I was never the same again.. LOL ;-) .. But lets just pretend the above was true - Would I be "me" if I was dematerialized and then rematerialized in an extremely short time "frame" ?
To me, this "story" encapsulates my greatest misgivings about the nature of my "reality" and even my "existance" - and links directly (for me) to my question about the validity of the statement " they are not you and I " - What are "you and I" ? ... Does our "continuity" and our "identity" actually have any "substance" to it - or is it just an illusion? The impossible to answer answer to this question is, I think, possibly embedded in my SF story - Summed up - If I was to cease to exist and an EXACT "replacement" for me (complete with identical neurological wiring with all electrical and chemical states IDENTICAL, and all memories IDENTICAL, and all other physics etc IDENTICAL) was to appear exactly where I had been, would I in fact have "ceased to exist" ?
If the answer to the above is "Yes" then I see the claim that " they are not you and I " would be true - If, however, the answer is "No" then I think the claim would be untrue.
I have no particular leaning towards either "answer" - I am inclined to think that the "pulsed" nature of brain operation implies that there is no "continuum" of existance - that, at every "update interval" I am, effectively, a different "person" albeit "biased" by memory etc to be the "same person" - That my "continuity of being" is an illusion - that, to put it bluntly, "I" do not actually exist - Not here, not anywhere... And this leads me to think that "they" are as much "you and I" as we are.