"I dont see guitarists jumping up and down in rage over the abuse of "their" instrument." Fred.
That's because nobody gives a damn what we think. I've tried that game. The controller bears as much resemblance to a guitar as a stick does to a rifle. When I first picked it up, I tried to actually play it, and that didn't work at all.
I've even had someone look at my acoustic guitar with disdain because it has built in electronics. I hope they never see Peters Hurdy Gurdy. That would probably start a fight.
" "I seen him! He done it!" is perfectly good English to somebody who don't know no better." coalport.
Welcome to the 21'st century, where the gifted are restrained to avoid making the grey matter challenged ones feel uncomfortable. Where fairness is making sure everyone is equally miserable.
As for the 91, I've decided not to worry about it :) It's no less a theremin than an etherwave plus or pro controlling a VCO. It looks like a theremin. It plays like a theremin. It sounds like a theremin. If someone gave me one I'd play it and be a very happy man. Close enough.
Furthermore no one, except my friends here, gives a rosey red rats rectum what I think.
Lets all just get drunk and let the morons have their party without us.
P.S. To further add to the confusion, I have a bit of test equipment in front of me now that generates a signal from about 900 khz to 31 mhz controlled by BCD switches. It's labeled as a "frequency synthesizer" but at its core lives an L C oscillator.