"Did some voltage testing across C4 and it is indeed changing when approaching the antenna, but it maxes out around -17 millivolts, would that be enough to use with a VCA? "
Nope, way, way too low..
I would expect with a correctly operating circuit for you to be seeing changes of volts - perhaps -3V minimum (as in , from say -1V to -4V).
I suspect your volume oscillator is not running - that when it was running, it caused a -ve potential on C4 which shunted the VFO and silenced the theremin, which was why it "wasnt working"..
"If so, do you have any schematics or advices for building a VCA?"
You need a voltage change, you need to buffer / level shift this voltage change to suit your VCA... At this time, any advice on VCA is pointless.. I would look at a H11F1 opto-FET as it is probably the easiest to interface with, well - bodges like this ;-) ... But you will need at least an op amp to get the control levels right... So I would be thinking about a dual RR opamp driving a transistor current sink controlling current through H11F1 LED, the H11F1 Fet strapped in the audio path, the spare op amp 1/2 being used to buffer this and provide line level...
But we are talking about new/total redesign of the volume stuff - Which is why I presented a transistor possible "fix" on the original -
IMO, if the simple fix doesnt work, turn it into a pitch-only theremin and perhaps build a completely seperate volume module using the EPE-2008 design.
As in, get rid of the volume stuff on your present board and just finish it as a pitch-only..
Then build a seperate volume board complete with antenna and its circuitry, and VCA with audio in and out..
Then put these together (volume board may need re-tuning if its oscillayor interferes with the pitch oscillators)
But first its probably worth giving the extra transistor a try - IF you can get the volume oscillator / filter to work and get a reasonable voltage change across C4. I advise disabling the pitch oscillators while you do this, otherwise confusion is likely.. With the pitch oscillators disabled, any change you se across C4 must be the result of the volume oscillator... With the pitch oscillators running, there is the possibility that what you measure is due to coupling from these oscillators.