"why do I keep looking for alternatives again? Oh yeah: inductors have thermal stability, magnetic pickup, and bulk size issues; emissions are problematic; multi-sensor arrangements in close proximity to each other don't play nice; and mains hum is difficult to deal with in the FM domain." - Dewster
LOL ;-)
A list like that is enough to drive any sane designer away from this field - or cause them to tread this well worn path, seeking "the path less traveled on" - which turns out to be the path traveled on by everyone who isnt just copying established theremin designs and modifying them..
I dont think its hopeless though - probably futile, but not hopeless! ;-) .. Thermal stability can be reasonably simply corrected even without temperature sensing and feedback (and that's an available option for both analogue and digital) - Magnetic pickup can be greatly reduced by the way inductors are oriented (Ive been playing with the EW, replacing one of the 10mH inductors with two 5mH contra-aligned, and found reduction in magnetic coupling - perhaps not enough to make this worth doing, but IF I was to use the EW front-end (or anything with large inductance) I would probably use 4 inductors in a 'square' configuration to counter induced fields.
Bulk/size issues seem to be more of a selling feature than a disadvantage in this crazy pond - "Honking coils" give some perverse visual appeal it seems.. Then proximity problems can be overcome if one locks the frequencies as per my "upside down" topology or something similar...
Yeah - with effort, the LC topology can be made to work reasonably well - as proved by Lev in the 30's.. But I am not sure that any RC topology could be made to work.
ps - glad you like Douglas Self's book.. I really enjoy reading it as well - unlike many technical books that one wouldnt want to read cover-cover, but just use as reference.
Have you come across "Analog Dialog" ? There is a huge wealth of articles in these..